07. Quiz: More On Subqueries

Quiz: Working Through the Previous Video

Use the task list below to work through the previous example.

Task Description:

Tasks to complete:

Task List:

Task Feedback:

Nice job! You can see the solutions to the queries on the next concept, and there are additional practice problems to make sure you really have the hang of subqueries!

What was the month/year combo for the first order placed?

SOLUTION: December 2013


If you need a code on the https://github.com/udacity.


Match each value to the corresponding description.




The average amount of standard paper sold on the first month that any order was placed in the orders table (in terms of quantity).

The average amount of gloss paper sold on the first month that any order was placed in the orders table (in terms of quantity).

The average amount of poster paper sold on the first month that any order was placed in the orders table (in terms of quantity).

The total amount spent on all orders on the first month that any order was placed in the orders table (in terms of usd).




The average amount of gloss paper sold on the first month that any order was placed in the orders table (in terms of quantity).

The total amount spent on all orders on the first month that any order was placed in the orders table (in terms of usd).

The average amount of standard paper sold on the first month that any order was placed in the orders table (in terms of quantity).

The average amount of poster paper sold on the first month that any order was placed in the orders table (in terms of quantity).